Bachelor of Arts Social Work

Aim and Content of the Study Program

The Department of Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences (EAH) Jena trains social workers with the degree Bachelor of Arts on a scientific basis with the aim of imparting professional competence.
The degree program offers the opportunity for guided practice, scientific work and application-related research within the framework of the tasks of the EAH.
Teaching and study are intended to provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and methods in preparation for the professional fields of activity in Social Work in such a way that they are enabled to act independently and responsibly in Social Work and recognise the social prerequisites of their professional actions.

The programme is characterised by compulsory modules and compulsory elective modules, whereby compulsory modules are mainly to be taken in the first three semesters and in the higher semesters modules are offered to a greater extent as compulsory electives.

The range of subjects includes offerings in the module areas of mentoring, propaedeutics, social work, Social Management, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Social Policy, Cultural Communication, Educational Science, Methods in Social Work, Health Sciences, Research Methods, Ethics, as well as specialisations specific to the field of work and methods. There is also the possibility to choose a specialisation of study.


Study Specialisation in the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work

Students can decide whether they want to complete their studies with or without a specialisation. The decision as to whether the content is studied more broadly or more thematically in-depth is thus up to the student. This has no influence on the degree.

The following thematic specialisations will be offered from summer semester 2016:

  • Culture, Media and Education
  • Flight, Asylum and Migration
  • Gender and Diversity (e.g. ageing)
  • Youth and Family
  • Clinical Social Work
  • Delinquency, Social Control, Resocialisation
  • Rehabilitation and Participation

Study foci arise from courses that can be thematically assigned to one of the seven foci with a total volume of at least 55cp. These include

  • the professional internship (30cp)
  • the practical project (5cp)
  • the Bachelor’s thesis (15cp)
  • thematically corresponding examination performance to the extent of 5cp from the entire curriculum of the 5th-7th semester.


Course Catalogue Example

  • 1.201 Fundamentals of Study
    • English
    • Teaching & Learning In A Healthy Way
    • Mentoring
    • Propaedeutics
    • Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
  • 1.202 Social Work
    • Fields of Work
    • Introduction to History and Theories of Social Work
  • 1.203 Psychology I
  • 1.204 Sociology for Social Work
    • Family Sociology
    • Criminology
    • Sociological Basics
  • 1.205 Law I
    • Introduction to Public Law
    • Basics of Civil Law
  • 1.206 Law II
    • Family Law
    • Children and Youth Law
    • Subsistence Security Law
  • 1.207 Introduction To Methodical Practice in Social Work
    • Introduction To Casework
    • Introduction To Consultation
  • 1.209 Health Sciences
  • 1.210 Management I : The Non-Profit Sector
  • 1.211 Project Study 1: Project Workshop
  • 1.212 Orientation Internship
  • 1.213 Compulsory Elective Module 1 (e.g.:)
    • English
    • Identity
    • Mindfulness Based Student Training (MBST)
    • Resocialization / Social Adjustment
    • Resource Orientation
    • Migration and Participation Law Clinic (MaP)
  • 1.215 Project Study 2 / Practical Project
  • 1.216 Education, Communication and Media
    • Introduction to Media Paedagogy
    • Social Work and Humour
    • Theatre Workshop
  • 1.217 Theories and Methods of Social Work
    • Gender and Migration
    • Migration Consultation
    • Social Work, Power and Politics
  • 1.218 Law III:
    • Migration Law
    • Rehabilitation and Participation Law
    • Human Rights
  • 1.219 Compulsory Elective Module 2
  • 1.220 Psychology II: Applied Psychology
    • Bonding and Mentalisation
    • Understanding Group Processes: Conflict, Radicalisation and Reconciliation
    • Traumatisation
  • 1.221 Social Policy
  • 1.222 Social Science Research Methods
  • 1.223 Nonprofit Sector Management II
  • 1.224 Specialization in Work Field
  • 1.225 Ethics and Social Work II
  • 1.226 Advanced Methods in Social Work
  • 1.227 Bachelor Examination

Further information in German here.


Study Plan for Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work

Studienverlaufsplan Bachelor Soziale Arbeit – english 1. Sem. 2. Sem. 3. Sem. 6. Sem. 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.222 7. Sem. Basics of Study 6 cp / 6 SWS Law I 6 cp / 4 SWS 1.205 Social Work 6 cp / 5 SWS Psychology I 3 cp / 2 SWS Sociology 9 cp / 6 SWS 1.204 3 cp / 4 SWS 1.201 Introduction to methodological action of Social Work 3 cp / 2 SWS Law II 3 cp / 2 SWS 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.202 6 cp / 4 SWS 1.203 Ethics and Social Work I 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.208 Nonprofit Sector Management I 3 cp / 2 SWS Project Studies 1/ Project Workshop 3 cp / 1 SWS Health Sciences 3 cp / 2 SWS Orientation Internship 5 cp / 4 SWS 1.207 5 cp / 4 SWS 1.206 Compulsory Elective Module 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.213 2 cp / 2 SWS 1.210 2 cp / 0,5 SWS 1.211 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.209 10 cp / 1 SWS (7 weeks) 1.212 4. Sem. Professional Internship – 30 cp / 9 SWS (23 weeks) (6 SWS BPS, 3 SWS Supervision) 1.214 5. Sem. Education, Communication and Media 3 cp / 2 SWS Theories and Methods of Social Work 4 cp / 4 SWS Law III 3 cp / 2 SWS Compulsory Elective Module 2 6 cp / 2 o. 4 SWS 1.219 Psychology II 3 cp / 2 SWS Social Policy 3 cp / 2 SWS Social Science Research Methods 3 cp / 2 SWS Projectstudies 2/ practical project 2 cp / 0,5 SWS Nonprofit Sector Management II 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.223 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.216 6 cp / 4 SWS 1.217 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.218 Specialization 6 cp / 4 SWS 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.220 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.221 3 cp / 1 SWS 1.215 BA Thesis 1 SWS Ethics and Social Work II 3 cp / 2 SWS 1.225 6 cp / 4 SWS 1.224 Spec. Methods of Social Work 6 cp / 4 SWS 1.226 12 cp Kolloquium 3 cp 1.227

Basics of Study 1.201

Semester Course Time
1. Semester Propaedeutics 1 SWS 6 cp
Mentoring 1 SWS
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 2 SWS
Languages 2 SWS
2. Semester Languages 2 SWS 3 cp
Verbal and Nonverbal Communication 2 SWS
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